Mexican Black KingSnake. Mexican Black Snake

Mexican Black KingSnake Guide

The scientific name of the Mexican Black Kingsnake is Lampropeltis getula nigrita. The Mexican black king snake is a popular and beautiful snake that attracts others just because of its dark color and shiny skin. This snake is of the Zellie variety of the Common Eastern King Snake. It is three to four feet long. This snake is very popular with reptile enthusiasts as it is a pet. This is the type of king snake that was first bred as a pet. It is also a good swimmer and rattlesnake, the most characteristic of which is found in the desert and rocky areas of Mexico is that this snake has a soft tone. 

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Black Mexican KingSnake. Mexican Black KingSnake.
Where the shine of black meets a serene temperament

Food And Behaviour of Mexican Black Kingsnake:


These snakes typically feed on small mammals such as mice and occasionally other reptiles such as lizards. Snakes are offered pre-killed prey so that live prey does not cause any injury or distress to the snake during captivity. These snakes stop feeding during autumn days and they feel restless all the time during these days. 


This snake usually tries to avoid fighting, but when it feels threatened, it moves its tail to imitate a rattlesnake. This snake is usually active at night and likes to be alone. If caught, it will excrete its waste to get rid of the predator. 

Eating Procedure of Mexican Black Snake
Mexican Black Kingsnake having a meal

Common Health Problems of Mexican black kingsnake:

  • Stony infection occurs when the snake has been in a wet area for a long time, i.e. in water for a long time when its substrate has become very wet or dirty.
  • Feeding a snake dirty food can cause it to lose weight and affect its health.
  • Skin disease occurs when the snake’s skin is dry, scaly, or rough due to lack of moisture.
  • The snake may be infected with internal worms.

These problems can be remedied by timely diagnosis, and proper care of the snake’s habitat, food, and its problems.

Habitat And Range of Mexican Black Kingsnake:

Natural Habitat:

These snakes live mostly in arid and semi-arid areas, including those with desert and rocky vegetation. These snakes can sometimes be seen in semi-arid grasslands. Prefers a sheltered spot. 

Geographical boundaries:

These snakes are found from northwestern Mexico to southeastern Arizona. A study found that these snakes can mix with other king snakes outside of their natural habitat. 

Physical Characteristics of Mexican Black KingSnake:

This snake is known for its coloration.Its coloration is unique which gives it many advantages. This snake is black in color and due to this coloration it gets a lot of help in hiding. Due to which it escapes from the eyes of its enemies, it is most unique compared to other snakes. Other snakes have stripes or spots on the body, but its body is completely black. The body structure of the snake is very powerful due to which it is adept at suppressing its predators.

Size of Mexican Black Kingsnake:

The length of this snake is usually five feet long on the chart but sometimes it can go up to five feet. Due to its sharp dexterity, it can catch its prey easily. Its body is very shiny and very soft. 

Handling and Care Tips for Beginners:

Gentle and Consistent Handling:

Usually, this snake is very calm. Whenever you try to handle a snake for the first time, handle it in a very calm environment so that it can fully adjust to the new environment. In the beginning, the money is kept to a minimum, when it is completely adjusted to your environment, then you start touching it slowly, so it will feel completely calm inside your home.

Wash Hands Before and After Handling:

Before catching the snake, you should take special care to wash your hands well, because if there is any other thing on your hand, then the snake will consider it as food and attack your hand. Hands after handling a snake are both important because handling a snake can poison your hands and anyone can eat a virus, so it’s also very important. 

Observe Behavior During Handling:

Whatever it is, if you catch the snake, make sure you know what the snake’s body language is like. If the snake is not in a happy state, you should put it back in its cage or its home so that it is completely calm.

Frequency of Handling:

In the beginning, don’t pick up your snake so much that it feels bad. You can pick it up two to three times a week. Also, as you spend time with the snake, the snake will feel good, and you will feel more comfortable with it and hold it for longer periods of time.

Housing for Mexican Black Kingsnakes:

The Mexican Black King Snake should have a large cage to live in and allow it to move around freely. While smaller snakes in comparison require smaller cages, as they grow larger they need cages that are proportionate to the length of time the snake needs the full coat it needs. Things can be found inside this cage. 

Mexican Black Snake. House of Mexican Black Snake
Cozy shelter for a Mexican Black Kingsnake


In this description, we will guide you about the Mexican Black Kingsnake, the Mexican King Black Snake, which is very famous for its color and has great hiding skills, food-wise. It likes mice and other reptiles. Its size is usually three to four feet. They need large cages to live in, inside which this snake can enjoy a completely free environment. This snake is usually completely calm. It is found in desert areas. Its body is very strong and flexible. 


Mexican Black KingSnake They mostly like to eat mice and other reptiles.

Caring for small snakes requires a lot of time and attention. While large snakes like mature snakes, require a large catch they do not require a special type of handler.

Its popularity is mainly due to its color which is jet black which shines and its pet trait is that it has a calm temperament and is perfect for those who like pets.

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