Giant African Millipede. giant african millipede lifespan. giant african millipede for sale

Giant African Millipede

There are many other species of Giant African Millipede in the world, but this species is a very famous sight. It is mostly famous because of its appearance. Its appearance is very scary. Its height is about 30 inches. It lives mostly in rainforests and it also feeds on decaying plants. They are also kept as a pet in homes. Guide African millipede eats rotten material in the ground which makes circles and this is very important for humans as it eats rotten material and the environment becomes clean this is also important in books and arguments it has been described and its regular chapters have been is called night worm 

Further Insights and Relevant Con Giant

Feeding And Ditet Of The Giant African Millipede

Giant African Millipede which eats rotten and decaying plants is the food of the deen. They also eat herbs. They also eat mushrooms in very small quantities. They live in forests so that they can get food from there. They also eat fruits when necessary, such as bananas, banana leaves, and apples. They also eat dead plants. If they eat these dead plants, the environment will become polluted and pollution will spread everywhere. As soon as a plant dies, the Giant African Millipede goes to the mill bed and eats that plant so that the environment does not become dirty and it becomes soil.

Physical Characteristics of the Giant African Millipede

The Chinese African millipede, which is its scientific name, is the largest millipede in the world. It lives in Southeast Asia and Africa. It is found in Africa.


The giant African millipede is 30 centimeters in size, which is why it is famous for its size. 


The giant African millipede is a long insect and is famous for its length. Its body has many segments. Each segment has two pairs of legs. They are dark brown in color, often black in color.


Chinese African millipedes are very slow-moving and they walk very slowly. They come out of their homes at night and they have great difficulty entering burrows. They are distinctive in their appearance and they also have sounds that they can hear from each other but not from humans.


The female Giant African Millipede millipede lays eggs and transforms them into other millipedes, and those millipedes grow up and lay eggs in them. This is how a process begins and this cycle continues and new ones are produced.

Habitat And Distribution of The Giant African Millipede


The giant African myriapod mostly prefers habitats where it can find plenty of decaying food and live in areas with decaying vegetation. It is very common on the forest floor because it finds plenty of decaying leaves there to eat and it eats the leaves and cleans the environment, which recycles them.


The giant African millipede is mostly distributed in the regions of Africa. It lives mostly in humid areas where it can find moisture. It is often found in the African region because there are many political areas where moisture is very high and it lives there is mostly also found in the world.

Characteristics of the Giant African Millipede

NameGiant African Millipede
Age10 years
size8 to 10 inches
Dietdecaying plant material 
Colordark brown or black

The Lifespan of the Giant African Millipede

The lifespan of the giant African millipede in captivity is 7 to 10 years. It can live a long life if it is not in captivity. If it lives in the wild, its lifespan will be less than 10 to 10 seven years. It will be five to four years because they often hunt in the wild. They fall into the hands of hunters or die for some other reason. Their lifespan is not long. When they are raised as a pet, their lifespan is older and if they are properly cared for, it goes even higher. As their age increases, their walking also becomes slower and they hide behind rocks or other objects.

How the Giant African Millipede Moves

The giant African millipede is a slow-moving insect. It has legs on every part of its body. Its total number of legs is 256. They are attached to each segment of the body. As it moves in one direction, it prefers the opposite legs in the other direction. Despite having so many legs, this insect moves very slowly. From childhood to adulthood, it moves in the same size, that is, its speed is the same.

How the Giant African Millipede Moves. giant african millipede habitat.giant african millipede enclosure
Endless legs, timeless journey.

Reproduction And Mating Of The Giant African Millipede

The process of reproduction of the giant African millipede takes place in the hot season. It reproduces the most in the summer. Wherever it finds a female, it requests her for reproduction and it kills her with its eggs. It raises its antennae and takes her to the female. The mother attracts her and the female also gets attracted to her. Then, after that, the process of mating begins.

After one or two weeks, eggs start forming inside the female. The male injects sperm into the female’s vagina, which makes the eggs form. They take the form of eggs and come out and they remain as eggs for two to three weeks. After that, a new giant African millipede is born and it becomes young for one or two weeks, that is, it becomes an adult.

Role in The Ecosystem of the Giant African Millipede

The giant African millipede plays a very important role in keeping its environment clean. This is the animal that keeps the environment clean. On the one hand, it also gets food from rotten plants and dead plants, and on the other hand, the human environment is also cleaned.

For example, if there are rotten plants in an environment, the giant African millipede will eat them and those plants will go through the compost cycle. This also cleans the soil and can also stop the food of this animal. It also reduces the production of fungi. This proves that the giant African millipede plays a very important role in cleaning the environment.

price of Giant African Millipede

The price of a Shaal African Millipede can vary depending on its size and age. It can be purchased as a pet or for work. It usually costs between $20 and $50.Their blessings can be even greater when they are special or from a particular breeder group, then their prices can increase, but most of the time, a normal one costs between $20 and $50.

History of Giant African Millipede 

The giant African millipede first lived in the rainforests of Africa. It was a product of the wild, but due to its large size, it became famous and it gradually started to be kept as a pet. It then gained significant popularity in education and other fields.


The giant African millipede is an insect that cleans the environment. It recycles the environment and purifies the soil. Its color is black. It is an insect that lives in Africa. It was first found in Africa, but gradually it has become popular all over the world. It is brown or black in color. This insect eats plants, rotten dead leaves, etc. It grows large in size. It has become more famous because of its size.


The giant African millipede eats rotten leaves, wood, and dead plants in the environment. It also eats small fruits such as apples and bananas.

The giant African millipede is also sold and is usually priced between $20 and $50.

The giant African Millipede has 256 legs, each attached to a part of its body. When it walks on one side, the legs on the other side attract it.

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