profile of Celestial Eye goldfish

Celestial Eye Goldfish

The Celestial Eye Goldfish is a small goldfish. Its eyes are upward-facing. This makes it look like it is looking at the sky. They do not have any dorsal fins. They come in beautiful colors. These peaceful fish need dim lighting to protect their delicate eyes. They need a clean, spacious tank along with a decorative living space. They should be fed vegetables and occasionally protein. Due to their weak body, they need to be fed more food.

Celestial Eye Goldfish Overview:

Common NameCelestial Eye Goldfish
Scientific NameCarassium auratus
Adult Size4-6 inches
WeightAround 50-150 grams
Lifespan10-15 years

Physical Characteristics of Celestial Eye Goldfish:

Body Shape:

Celestial Eye Goldfish have a slender body. Unlike round-bodied goldfish, their bodies are more streamlined. This makes them better swimmers. They also lack dorsal fins.


These fish grow to be four to six inches long with proper care. Their food should be kept in a designated area in their tank.


They come in a variety of colors which make them look beautiful. Some can be bright and quite shiny.


These goldfish have long tails. Often divided or fan-shaped. Their tails move beautifully when they swim. This adds to their beauty.

Celestial Eye Goldfish. Celestial Eye Goldfish Care
Unique eyes, vibrant colors—Celestial Eye Goldfish captivates

The behavior of Celestial Eye Goldfish:

These fish are calm and peaceful. They mix well with other non-aggressive tank mates. They are slow swimmers due to their delicate eyes and flowing fins. Their poor eyesight makes it difficult for them to carve food. Therefore, they require extra care when feeding. These fish like to explore their tank.  They enjoy a calm, safe environment where they feel safe.

Celestial Eye Goldfish Diet and Feeding:

They need a good diet to stay healthy. They also eat pea spinach in their diet. Feed them slowly because of their poor eyesight. Also, make sure they get enough food. Avoid overfeeding to keep their tank clean and avoid health problems. A varied diet helps them grow strong and stay united.

Ultimate Care Guide and Top Aquariums Celestial Eye Goldfish:

Tank Size:

It needs a tank that is at least twenty gallons per fish. If you add more fish, increase the tank size by ten gallons for each. This will help them stay healthy. Smaller tanks can also stress them out and can quickly pollute the water.

Water Temperature:

The water temperature should be 65 and 75F. The temperature should be kept stable. Sudden temperature changes can stress or harm them. Avoid placing the tank near heaters or windows to prevent fluctuations.


It needs clean fresh water to stay healthy. Change 20 to 30 percent of the water every week to remove waste and toxins. Use clean water to keep them safe. Meta water helps keep their tank environment stable and comfortable. Regular water changes protect them from many diseases and illnesses. And keep the fish happy.

Water Quality:

Water quality is very important for Celestial Eye Goldfish. The water regularly to ensure that ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite levels are low. Keep the tank clean by changing the water weekly using a filter.  They need clean water to stay healthy.

PH level:

The ideal pH level for this is 6.5 and 7.5F.  So test the pH regularly. If the pH is too high or too low, adjust it slowly to avoid shocking the fish. A balanced pH helps them stay healthy and comfortable.


Use decorations that are smooth and safe for their living space. Avoid sharp or rough objects so that no one can get hurt. Rocks should be protected from the soft edges of decorations such as caves or ornaments. Safe decorations make the tank beautiful and keep the fish happy.


They need soft, dim lighting to protect their sensitive eyes. Too much light can stress them out. And make them anxious. Use a dim aquarium light. Place their tank in a place with natural light. Avoid sudden changes in light. It is not good to turn the light on and off too quickly. It does not help them feel calm.


For this, plants and leaves should be added inside the tank. Plants give them places to hide. And the tank looks more natural. Avoid too many plants. Which can damage their delicate eyes. A good choice for them. Reduce waste and keep the water clean and also help cover.

The Celestial Eye Goldfish Breeding:

Celestial Eye Goldfish can breed fully with proper care and good housing. A separate breeding tank with soft plants should be used to lay their eggs. The water temperature should be kept around 70 degrees to 75 degrees. The male pursues the female. The female lays the eggs. The eggs in two to five days. Remove the parents from the eggs as they may eat the eggs.

Common Health Problems:

They can also have health problems. Such as digestive problems that make it difficult for them to swim well. Their delicate skin can make them susceptible to injuries. Avoid placing or placing sharp objects in their tank. Overfeeding them can cause problems for them. Treat them immediately if you see any signs of illness.

Habitat And Range of Celestial Eye Goldfish:

Celestial Eye Goldfish are not found in the wild. They were created through selective breeding in China. They are now kept as aquarium fish all over the world. They are peaceful fish. They need a freshwater tank with soft lighting and low water flow. Their habitat should have a few decorations and plants so that they can feel safe.


They can live for ten to fifteen years. A clean tank good water quality and a healthy diet are important for their longevity. Poor conditions or injuries can shorten their lifespan.

Price and Cost of Celestial Eye Goldfish:

The price of a Celestial Eye Goldfish usually ranges from ten dollars to Thirty dollars. Depending on the size, color, and fancy or rare varieties, the price can be higher. Setting up a tank for them can cost Hundred dollars to Two Hundred dollars. The remaining costs are food, water treatment, and electricity for the filter and treatment lights. The black-striped goby is a beautiful, graceful animal with upward-facing eyes and a flat body. It requires proper care and a balanced diet to stay healthy. 


Celestia Eye Goldfish are beautiful pets. Their eyes are upward-facing. They need proper care, a clean tank, and a balanced diet to stay healthy. This gourami is perfect for those who enjoy low-energy fish. They should be provided with a calm environment. And bring joy to their owners. This is an excellent choice for a dedicated and caring fish keeper.


Are Celestial Eye Goldfish easy to care for?

Celestial Eye Goldfish require more care than other goldfish due to their delicate eyes and poor eyesight. They require clean water, dim lighting, and a safe tank setup.

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