Ball Python. Ball Python Guide

Ball Python Guide

The ball python is a snake found in West and Central Africa, also known as the Royal Pigeon. Its scientific name is Royal rigius. It has a maximum length of 3 to 6 feet. The most special thing about it is that it is not poisonous, so people love to keep it at home. It belongs to the Reptiles family.

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Ball Python
Discover the Charm of the Ball Python

Physical Description:

  • Adult Ball Pythons are about 3 to 5 feet long and some grow 6  feet long.
  • Their bodies are thick and have strong muscles which look very beautiful.
  • A ball python’s head looks like a triangle that is perfectly aligned with the body. Like other pythons, its tail is thin and pointed.
  • They come in a variety of colors, including brown, black, and yellow.
  • Their skin is covered with small scales that are stacked on top of each other. Various patterns are found on its body in different colors.
  • Like other snakes, their skin is also smooth and shiny. The patterns on their skin add to their beauty.


  • The ball python is not venomous like other snakes, it is quite cool-minded and has a friendly attitude towards its owners.
  • Rather than attacking like other snakes, it remains calm and peaceful.
  • Despite the bad conditions, instead of attacking the other bear, it feels threatened and turns itself into a ball when it feels threatened.
  • It is quiet and peaceful with the friendly owners.

Food Habits:


The ball python is a carnivore whose main diet is small rodents. It eats rats according to its size, the fatter the snake is, the bigger the rat it eats. They take most of their prey alive.


Just as other reptiles need water, similarly, Ball pythons also need water. Water plays a very important role in their hydration. Keep clean water in an open container for him so that he can bathe in it easily. Feed them fresh water daily. When he sheds its old skin, it needs a lot of water because of the water it sheds its skin easily.

How to Feed Ball Python:

The ball python’s main diet is mice, so you can feed bar pythons live mice or frozen rats. Before feeding him a frozen rat, warm it up a bit first so that it is easy for him to eat and he will enjoy eating it. Small or large Ball pythons do not need to be fed, they can easily get by without eating once every five to seven days.

Ball Python.
Ball Python Guide
Ball Python Eating Food

Housing for Ball Pythons:


Temperature plays an important role in keeping the good health of Ball Python, it should be given the temperature it needs. The great thing about ball pythons is that they are cold-blooded and adapt themselves to the environment. The normal temperature for a ball python should be 23 to 32 degrees Celsius.


Just as other animals require humidity, the ball python also requires temperature as well as humidity. Humidity is very important for its hydration. It needs 50 to 70 percent humidity. Moisture helps the snake shed its skin, so the snake sheds its skin easily.


Adequate light management is very important in the ball python tank. It is not a normal light but also a UV light which is not so necessary for it but it is only operated during the day so that the bones become strong and Calcium deficiency can be fulfilled. Their tanks use UVB light only during the day, and heating pads are used to heat them at night so that it is only dark and not disturbed by the light.

Ball Python Housing.
Ball Python
A Safe and Stylish Space for Your Scaly Snake.

Lifespan of Ball Pythons:

In Captivity:

After proper care of Ball Python, it can live 17 to 26 years. In many cases, they can live over 35 years. In caring for them, including a fresh and proper diet, proper medical treatment and good condition of the cage helps them to live long.

In Wild:

Ball Python in wildlife span is 13 to 15 years. This life period is shorter than which lives in captivity. They do not get any medical treatment which causes infections and diseases. That’s why their life span is shorter than those who live in captivity.

Common Health Problems:

The health problems which caused the death of Ball Python are given below:

Respiratory Infections:

In Ball Pythons, it is caused by low or high temperature and humidity. These infections are caused due to extreme cold and heat. If their breathing produces a whistling or wheezing sound, this is a sign of this infection. They can be treated by giving them antibiotics and keeping the temperature and humidity as needed.

Mouth Rot:

Bacteria cause inflammation of their mouth. This usually happens when they have sores in their mouths and are in poor condition of their cage due to which their mouth swells and they cannot eat properly. They are given antibiotics to treat it.

Internal Parasites:

This happens when ball pythons are given poor food and a poor environment. This causes them to lose weight and develop diarrhea. Their droppings are tested and given deworming medicines to eradicate the disease.

Tips for Ball Python:

  • Don’t Overfeed them Overfeeding can make them sick and suffer from obesity.
  • A veterinarian should be contacted if this python has contracted an illness and is currently not eating due to the illness.
  • The size of the tank in which to keep him should be according to its size and as it grows, the size of the tank should also be increased.
  • According to its temperature, two types of cold and hot parts should be made for it to stay, so that its temperature can remain normal.
  • Check their living space carefully, most of them have a habit of escaping, if any hole is left, it should be closed.
  • They always perceive their life in danger and try to hide themselves in a place where they can rest safely, so they should have hiders in their tank.


The Snake is a non-venomous snake that is peaceful and friendly with humans. Because of its low maintenance, people keep it in their homes and it is a pet. It is important to maintain temperature, humidity, food, and cleanliness for its care, so they stay healthy. In this article, you will get all kinds of information about it. Hope you will like this article.


The scientific name of the Ball python is Royal rigius. It is also known as Royal Pigeon.

They are not harmful to humans because they are cool-minded and nonvenomous.

The size of the tank to accommodate it should be 20 to 25 gallons.

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