Telescope Goldfish. Telescope Goldfish Care

All About Telescope Goldfish

Telescope Goldfish is very popular because of its relaxed style and charming personality. These fish are distinguished by their protruding eyes and round body. They have been bred in homes for a long time because of their beauty and style. It is not found in the forests, but it is only kept in homes. Its breeding was expressed in China a long time ago, it has now become famous in Japan. Their bodies are represented by woven patterns of different colors. Their scientific name is Carassius auratus.

In this article, you will be introduced to it, its features and how to care for them.

Overview of Telescope Goldfish:

  • Common Name: Telescope Goldfish
  • Scientific Name: Carassius auratus
  • Food: Bristlemouths, Lanternfish, and Barreled Dragonfish
  • Size: 4 to 10 inches long
  • Weight: 0.1 kg to 0.3 kg
  • Lifespan: 6 to 25 years

Physical Characteristics of Telescope Goldfish:

Telescopic Eyes:

When you see them, the first thing you notice is their very prominent eyes due to which they have been given the name of telescope goldfish. Their bulging eyes make them appear dramatic, but their eyes are lovely to look at, and they are also susceptible.

Eye of Telescope goldfish.
Telescope goldfish Eye
Intriguing eyes, captivating goldfish beauty

Size and Weight:

As they age, their size and weight also increase. Their size is four to ten inches. Their weight is according to size, which is 100 grams to 300 grams.


They have a variety of colors and the patterns on their bodies look very beautiful when they are unique from others. Mostly they are found in red, white, and orange colors but sometimes they are found in a mixture of these colors.


Usually, their body looks very smart because their body is round and solid but small in size. Naturally, they have small bodies due to their small body they swim slowly so that they suitable environment to survive.

Housing requirements For Telescope Goldfish:

Tank Size:

More space is essential for them to live in due to their size as large and slow swimmers. For their proper growth and care minimum of thirty Gallons tank size is essential for them which stores up to eighty litters water in each tank.

Water Quality:


Due to the large amount of waste produced by telescope goldfish, an effective filtration system is essential to maintain water quality. A good filter keeps water clean and helps remove contaminants.

Change Water:

Regularly change water daily which is essential to keep them healthy. Partial water change decreases the dangerous elements like ammonia. It affects the skin of them. 

Water Parameters:

Water temperature should be between sixty five Fahrenheit to seventy Five Fahrenheit. Goldfish like slightly alkaline water, with a pH between 7.0 and 8.4. This normal temperature and pH of water keep them healthy and strong.


The light environment essential for them should be normal. Bright light is not only unnecessary, but it can cause anxiety in fish. Low or normal light helps keep the tank clean and also prevents the growth of algae.


Telescope goldfish need water which contains large amounts of oxygen, so an air pump can help maintain oxygen levels in larger tanks. Good aeration promotes their health condition and helps prevent various diseases.


Because of their sensitive and prominent eyes that’s why they need a soft substrate like sand or smooth pebbles to protect them from any danger that damages their body. Avoid such substrates that are harmful to them like sharp stones in their tank and could damage their eyes.

Breeding of Telescope Goldfish:

  • For breeding it is essential that they are in mature age which is one to two years and choose healthy fish. 
  • When they are mating raise the temperature of water sixty eight to seventy four Fahrenheit. The best season for them to breed is spring season. 
  • During the breeding season, males found the round body females and small white spots may appear on their pectoral fins and gills.
  • Separate tanks are made for which fishes choose for breeding in which the proper natural environment in the tank and proper habitats provide them.
  • When they lay eggs remove the parents from the tank and provide a normal temperature. After four to seven days the eggs are hatching. 
  • Take proper care of hatchings and provide an essential environment and proper food.

Lifespan of Telescope Goldfish:

 In the wild, their lifespan is short because they face many problems in finding food and do not get proper medical treatment to survive. But in captivity, their lifespan is long they easily survive. Their growth rapidly increases and they proper food and care. They get proper medical treatment and the perfect environment to survive.

  • In the wild: 5 to 10 years
  • In captivity: Up to 20 years 

Food and Diet of Telescope Goldfish:

A healthy and varied diet is essential for telescope goldfish to survive in their life which can include good quality of food. Feed small amounts two to three times a day and remove any uneaten food from the tank. The combination of vitamins, fiber, and protein keeps them healthy and strong. Regular fasting is beneficial to avoid digestive problems and many other diseases.

  • Flake food
  • Sinking pellets
  • Frozen food
  • Vegetables include cucumber, peas, and leafy Greens
Food of Vegetables Telescope Goldfish
Nutritious meals keep Telescope Goldfish thriving

Health problems of Telescope Goldfish:

Fin Rot:

This disease is mostly caused by bacteria it occurs with poor water quality, and results in discolored, discolored fins of the fish, often with black markings on the edges. To prevent from this improve the conditions of water. Change the water of the tank regularly.


It indicates internal disease or organ failure and is characterized by an increase in the size of the abdomen and a raising of the scale.

White Spot Diseases:

It is a parasitic disease that affects the body and the affected parts with white spots. This disease is usually caused by stress or poor water quality.

Health Caring Tips of Telescope Goldfish:

  • Keep the temperature normal of the water for them. They can survive at the room temperature of the water.
  • Keep the water clean and oxygenated. Partial change in water due to the removal the dangerous elements from water.
  • Keep the water amount normal in the tank according to them.
  • Use a filter to clean the water which is essential for them to keep them healthy.

Price of Telescope Goldfish:

Age, size, color, and quality are factors that can affect the price of a telescope goldfish.

  • Hatchlings:  $3 to $10
  • Juvenile: $10 to $25
  • Adult: $25 to $50


Telescope Goldfish is mostly found in China. They are mostly known by their scientific name Carassius auratus. They have very interesting appearance and beautiful patterns on their body which makes them the most popular pets. They have various colors on their body which looks very unique.  


They require moderate care, including a healthy diet and attention to water quality.

Normal light is perfect for them if there is low or high light they feel stress which is not good for their health.

Yes they can easily breed in a home tank if there is the perfect breeding setup and good quality water. 

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