Kenyan Sand Boa. Complete Guide about Kenyan Sand Boa.

Kenyan Sand Boa

Kenyan Sand Boa is a species of snake that is mostly found in the Eastern and Northern regions of Africa. They are mostly found in deserts and flat grasslands in tropical or subtropical regions. This species of snake belongs to the family Boidae. Some people keep stray animals like dogs and cats for their hobby but some people don’t like hairy animals so they like to keep different animals for themselves like snakes. The Canyon Sand Boa is kept by people as a hobby animal. The other names of this snake are Eryx colubrinus and the  Egyptian.  It’s like living in a warm environment.

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Kenyan Sand Boa.
Profile of Kenyan Sand Boa
A gentle, burrowing snake with vibrant colors

Habitat and Range:

This is a type of snake that prefers to live in loose soil such as sand for easy hiding.When they feel that their lives are in danger, they hide in the ground for long periods of time so that they cannot become prey. They are often found in East Africa, Kenya and other countries.


They hide themselves in the ground for long periods of time when they need moisture or to lower the temperature. As soon as their prey comes near them, they catch them and eat them to fill their stomach. They also hide to protect themselves from being hunted. 

Size and Shape of Kenyan Sand Boa:

The Kenyan Sand Boa is a small animal. It is a strong-bodied animal with a small head and small tail. The small eyes and nose are found on the top of the head because the sand does not enter in the eyes and nose. The body colors of Kenyan Sand Boa are white or creamy underbelly yellow and brown blocks along its back. The body size of a female is 26 to 32 inches while the body of a male is often smaller than a female. The body size of a male is 15 inches. The body size difference between males and females boas due to their reproductive organs.

How Kenyan Sand Boa is produced?

It is a reptile animal but it does not lay eggs. It is different from other reptile animals and its reproduction method is different from other reptile animals. The process that Kenyan Sand Boa is used for production is ovoviviparity. The season that is suitable for their production is summer because they like a warm environment. During mating the sperm of the male is transferred to the female via a pair of hemipenis which is a female reproductive organ. The female boa stores sperm in its reproductive organs until eggs are not produced. It also has the ability to delay fertilization until environmental conditions are not favorable.

The pregnancy duration is 4 to 6 months depending on environmental conditions and female Boa health.  When the duration period of pregnancy is complete 10 to 20 Boas are produced. The size of younger Kenyan sand boas is 20 to 25 cm and have abilities of independently survive. 

Food of Kenyan Sand Boa:

Kenyan sand boas are mostly carnivorous. They mostly like to eat lizards and other small insects. They also like to eat mice. In wildlife, many other small animals become fed of Kenyan sand boas. Rabbits also feed on Kenyan sand boas.

The younger Kenyan sand boas ( age 5 to 7 days) are likely to eat pinky mice while ages 7 to days of Kenyan sand boas are likely to eat hopper mice.

Those older than 14 days are likely to eat big-sized mice. The supply of food increases according to their needs. 

Kenyan Sand Boa Eating Food .
Kenyan Sand Boa
A stealthy hunter, ambushing prey beneath the sand

Housing for Kenyan Sand Boa:

If you keep a snake as a pet in your home, here are some ways you can improve your snake’s gear and lifestyle.


The water should be clean and this time make sure that the containers we are using for water are clean and big enough so that they can drink easily and maintain their water level.


Humidity is another factor that is vital; if we do not control humidity levels, then the effect on the snake’s health can be very detrimental and for this, we need to maintain its humidity along with applying a proper system which helps in the operation of the humidity too.


As a rule, an equal light cycle should be maintained i.e. 12 hours of lights on and 12 hours off dark cycle in addition to this UVB light should be provided which helps in the synthesis of vitamin D3 which is important for their health and prevents them from some diseases.


Proper heating should be maintained to maintain humidity, so the temperature should generally be between 80 and 90 Fahrenheit. The place where the snake is kept should have a high temperature in one place and a low temperature in the other so that the snake can go to sleep wherever it feels comfortable.


In Wild: 

When these snakes live in a wild and natural environment, their lifespan is about 10 to 15 years and these snakes mostly fall victim to other predators and sometimes they die due to diseases.

In Captivity: 

If these snakes are kept in captivity or as pets, they live for 20 to 25 years because they get proper food there and if they get any disease, they are treated there.

How to take care of Kenyan sand boa?

Kenyan sand boas are mostly found in desert regions of Africa. First of all, our priority is to provide a natural environment. They like a sandy environment because they need warmth for their survival. First of all maintain the temperature of the environment where they live. The temperature must be 32 Celsius with a warm side and 24 Celsius with a cold side.  For this purpose, we should use a tank heater or ceramic emitter to maintain temperature. Must provide hiding areas where they hide themselves easily. Do not ignore the humidity. The humidity must be 30 to 40 %.

Water dishes must be small and clean regularly. 

Common Health Problems:

There are diseases that can lead to death for them, the first one is a respiratory disease, as sneezing is a sign of respiratory disease, and secondly, weight loss is a sign of disease and it is normal. They lose weight due to not eating. The food they have is completely reduced or they stop eating and drinking.

Health monitoring:

His health should be taken care of, especially his skin, if his skin is not smooth, the cause should be found and treated immediately. And there should be no fogging at all and the temperature of its living environment should be controlled to prevent disease.And it should be ensured that it is not dehydrated at all and its weight should be checked from time to time and the health of the reptile should be discussed with the vets. And his health should not be taken lightly at all.

Cost And Price of Kenyan Sand Boa?

The price of Kenyan sand boa depends on their size. The price also depends on age. Its price also depends on color.  The price is 150 to 300 dollars.


This is a pet animal. It looks very pretty. The skin color of this snake is very attractive. This is not a poisonous animal. It is mostly found in the Africa region. It is mostly like to live in moist regions. Snake is the feed of this snake. Its lifespan is 25 years.  The proper environment should be provided if you keep it in the house.


No, it is not a poisonous animal.

The average age of this snake is 25 years.

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