Spiny-Tailed Iguana. Spiny-Tailed Iguana Care guide

Spiny-Tailed Iguana

Spinay-tailed iguanas are a lizard. It is famous for its high speed, which helps to keep it safe from predators. It lives in America. It is dark brown and often gray. It prefers to hide and bask in the sun. Its food is insects and small animals. It is alert during the day. It often likes to live on leaves and dry places. It is 3 feet tall. It can make good pets if kept as pets.

Quick Facts about Spiny-tailed iguana:

  • Scientific Name:ٖٖ Ctenosaura
  • Common Name: Spiny-tailed iguana
  • Family:  Iguanidae
  • Age: 15 to 20.

Physical Description:

Spiny-tailed iguanas are medium-sized lizards with rough skin. Their bodies are strong, and their tails are covered in sharp scales. They are grayish-brown or black. But some lizards have bright patterns with spots or stripes. Their legs are fast for climbing and digging. Their head and jaws are strong and wide. They have small spines on their stomach and neck.

Spiny-Tailed Iguana.
spiny-tailed iguana enclosure size
Tough, agile, and territorial lizard.

Habitat and Range:

This lizard likes to live in hot and dry places like deserts, forests, and rocky areas. It is mostly found in America and Mexico. It likes to live in a sunny place where it can keep itself warm. It can also live near people, sometimes near buildings and fields.


Spiny-tailed iguanas are active during the day and spend much time in the sun to keep themselves warm. They run fast. They can also be territorial, with males fighting others to protect their territory. They bob their heads to talk to each other. When frightened, they can blow to enlarge their bodies. They are usually shy around people but can also be inquisitive, especially when looking for food.

Breeding Process:

Male barbs become more active during the breeding season. They also fight with other males to attract females. When a male finds a female, he tilts his head and makes other movements to impress her. When male and female meet, the female lays eggs. Female lizard 10 to 30 eggs at a time. She digs the earth and keeps it inside. It takes about three months for the eggs to hatch. Once the eggs are laid, the mother does not care for them; the baby is free after birth and can fend for itself.

Housing For Spiny-Tailed iguana:


To keep the Spinay-tailed iguanas in a wall, it need a place similar to its natural environment. It should also provide a warm place, keeping the temperature warm during the day and cool at night. They should be given an environment as if they live in the wild, so they feel at home. And it should also provide a place to dig. Fresh water and small animal food should be provided for the lizard.


A good substrate is essential for the Spiny-tailed iguanas. A mixture of sand and mud should be used to cover the wall.  It should also be allowed to dig.  Its substrate should be kept clean and cleaned well daily. Their substrate should be made to give them a jungle feel.


The Spiny-tailed iguanas like a dry environment, so it doesn’t need much moisture. Keep its humidity level low around 30 to 40%. Keep his enclosure well-ventilated. A small water dish should also be placed on its wall so that it can get fresh water. His living space should be cleaned regularly, and water should be changed regularly.

Heating and Temperature:

The Spiny-tailed iguana requires warm temperatures in its enclosure. Their daytime temperatures should be kept around 80 to 90%. At night the temperature drops a little, the night temperature should be around 70 to 75%. A heat lamp and UVB should be used to keep their wall warm and be sure to check the temperature regularly to ensure the lizard stays healthy. 

UVB Light:

The Spinay-tailed iguanas also need UVB light to stay healthy.UVB  light plays an important role in providing vitamin D3 to the skin. which strengthens their bones. Care should also be taken to keep the light away from the lizard. A UVB light should be replaced every six to twelve months to keep it working properly.


Spiny-tailed iguanas also need fresh water to stay healthy.  Their water should be changed regularly. A dish of water should be provided and such should be given. They come from warm regions so they don’t need much humidity and should be protected from excessive soil and dust. From this, the lizard can drink water easily. They prefer drips to drinking water from a dish, so they should be given a little water every once in a while.

Food and Diet:

Spiny-tailed iguanas eat a variety of foods. Its diet includes insects, leafy greens, vegetables, and some fruits like squash, carrots, and barries. They can also be enjoyed by eating insects. You can also offer it boiled eggs or baby birds.  Always provide them with fresh food and any leftover food should be removed.

Black piny-Tailed Iguana Eating Food. 
Food of Black piny-Tailed Iguana
Feeding on plants and insects

Handling and Caretips:

They are shy and take time to manage. Get used to handling them without holding on. When they seem calm, you can gently pick them up while supporting their body. Avoid making them move suddenly as this can spook them. Avoid handling them too much as they need a lot of time to calm down. They feel safe in their enclosure.

Lifespan of Spiny-Tailed Iguana:

In Captivity:

They require good care in captivity. I should also build a wall in their living space that mimics their natural habitat. They need a dry substrate as well as climbing to move and hide in the heat. They also need the right temperature, UVB light, and a good diet. They can live for fifteen to twenty years in captivity.

In the Wild:

They live in dry sunny areas, forests, and rocky mountains. It is a good climber and often hides in rocks or trees to protect itself from predators. They bask in the sun to keep themselves warm. These plants eat insects and live mostly in the United States and Mexico. They live ten to fifteen years.

Price and Cost:

It can vary in price depending on their size and age. These range from about fifty dollars to two hundred dollars. They also need heat lamps and UVB light in their living space. Which can add another $300 to $500. Costs for their maintenance and other equipment should also be considered. Their proper maintenance may also incur expenses on lighting and other equipment.

Spiny-Tailed iguana as Pets:

They are interesting pets. But they require special care. They are also shy so it takes time to get comfortable with handling them. They need proper temperature and UVB light. They also require a large enclosure. They should be fed with plant pests to keep them healthy. These are useful for experienced reptile breeders.


They are charming lizards with unique needs, which can make them good pets for people with experience with reptiles. They need a heat dry wall UVB light and a balanced diet to stay healthy. They can be shy. Handle them with patience. These solutions mix over time. This can be a delight for owners who want to experience them.


It grows to about 10 to 18 inches, but some species can reach up to 3 to 4 feet, including the tail.

Spiny-tailed iguanas should not be handled too often. Because it can also pressure them, start handling them slowly to build their confidence.

Yes, they need a lot of space to climb and dig. They also require a large enclosure with hot and cold zones.

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