Namaqua Chameleons. Namaqua Chameleons Care

Namaqua Chameleons

In this article, we are going to provide chameleons that are native to arid regions such as South Africa and Namibia with knowledge and information about chameleons found in such arid regions. The length of this chameleon is approximately twenty-five cm. The male has a more robust body structure, however, the female Namaqua Chameleon is larger. Generally, this chameleon is called a terrestrial animal, but it cannot climb trees like other chameleons.

It has a variety of large spiny spines on its body. The head of this chameleon is like a pointed helmet. This chameleon wants to be famous for surviving in difficult situations. Its skin is of a very prominent type. Its skin is characterized by its excellent ability to absorb moisture. It can obtain water in dry environments.

Life Style And Habbitat of Namaqua Chameleons:

Namaqua Chameleons are usually more active during the day and always active in food search. When these chameleons become adults, they begin to defend their territory, meaning that if one chameleon enters another chameleon’s territory, they often fight each other.

The female chameleon is more aggressive than the male and the female chameleon fights more but the female’s territory is much smaller than the male’s. The peculiarity of their body is that the color of their body can be adapted to the environment, that is, they can change the color, due to which they are very easy and advantageous to hunt. 

The most distinctive thing about the chameleon is that it does not climb trees. Other chameleons usually climb trees, but they are not found on trees. Easy to maneuver and hide, these rocks take shelter in bushes and can put themselves in tough situations. 

Namaqua Chameleon Care Guide.
Namaqua Chameleon
Masters of color change and camouflage

Food And Diet Plane of Namaqua Chameleons:


The majority of their food sources include various insects and primarily:

  • Tenebrionid Beetles: It can be considered as one of those beetles which constitute their diet.
  • Oedipodine Grasshoppers: These grasshoppers are also taken but to a limited extent.

Occasional Prey:

  • Lizards: The case of young chameleons among its own species, which can consume any other species of lizard including young chameleons.
  • Snakes: Occasionally, small snakes can be hunted.
  • Other Arthropods: Other arthropods can be incorporated into the diet range.
Namaqua Chameleons Food
Swift tongue strikes for tasty meals

Hunting Behavior of Namaqua Chameleons:

In contrast to most chameleons that use ambush only, Namaqua chameleons attack their target when it’s trying to get away.

They are capable of capturing their target with their jaws, not only with their long tongues, which is a more aggressive capturing mode.

Habitat for Hunting: 

They are first and foremost associated with sand dunes and rock. Some coastal populations are the only chameleons to supplement a diet of insects intertidally by foraging for marine arthropods.

Captivity Diet:

Normally, they are capable of eating live prey but in captivity, they are even occasionally able to be trained to eat dead food.

This wide diet range is beneficial for the survival of the Namaqua chameleon when food diversity and abundance are dependent on the surrounding environment.

Reproduction and Life Cycle:

The reproductive patterns of the Namaqua Chameleon are as fascinating as the physical characteristics of this animal. Mating generally occurs in Pl spring time when warmer weather and the increased movement of insects are also observed. Males performed a courting activity consisting, among other things, of displaying color, making certain postures, and impersonation so as to please women.

The reproductive female places the freshly fertilized eggs in a sand cage, in the late spring or early summer season. A range of 10 to 30 eggs per clutch is normal however the clutch size varies with females laying between 10 to 30 eggs per clutch. Environmental conditions impact the expected period duration which is 3 to 4 months. They are born with a size that is small and similar forms of their parents and remain self-reliant from birth with the hunting skills that are instinct acquired.

Care Requirements of Namaqua Chameleons:

A Namaqua chameleon care specialist should develop a housing setup in which it can live comfortably and complete its growth. 

Enclosure Setup:


That should make the chameleon enclosure setup about 20 gallons in size. Care should be taken that the setup should have portions on both the top and bottom sides so that these chameleons do not have any problem climbing up and down again and again. 


While setting it up we must keep in mind that the chameleon that it is requires complete ventilation. If the air ratio is not within this setup, then bacteria growth will occur within this setup which will cause diseases and other germs. 

Temperature and Lighting of Namaqua Chameleons:

  • Basking Area: Provide a basking spot with temperatures around 30-35°C (86-95°F) using a heat lamp.
  • Cooler Area: The cooler side of the enclosure should be around 20-25°C.
  • UVB Lighting: Use a UVB light to help with calcium absorption and overall health. A 5.0 UVB bulb is usually sufficient. Ensure the light is on for ten to twelve hours a day.
  • Night Temperature:  Temperatures can drop to about 15-20°C at night.
  • Health Monitoring: There is a need to have a constant check on health and also watch out for possible signs of any illness. It would help if you took the chameleon to a vet that specializes in reptiles if you think your chameleon is ill.

Cost And Price of Namaqua Chameleon:

Factors such as age, location, and the seller can therefore have a significant impact on the price of a a Namaqua Chameleon. Ordinarily, the below-mentioned can be the range that you will expect:

  • Pet Stores: In pet shops, whether online or in turf, Namaqua Chameleons can be priced between $50 – $150.
  • Breeders: The prices from reputable breeders could be similar or even dearer, mostly falling between 75 – 200 US dollars, depending on the lineage and care.
  • Online Sales: In the case of online purchasing, the price ownership total will depend on shipping as well, where $20 -52 is included.

Best Handling for Namaqua Chameleons:

However, if you think the chameleon doesn’t feel quite well with you, at least try to hold them in a manner that would seem suitable for the chameleon. When in contact with the chameleon, the techniques used in handling the chameleon must ensure that the chameleon is not stressed, the chameleon should be handled as little as possible, and when handled, it should be a firm grip offered so the chameleon’s stress is at a minimal level.


The Namaqua Chameleon is just one of many natural sophisticated survivors, Hondo clearly reflects their great adaptability not only to survive but thrive Indificatorاة. It is the uniqueness of the Namaqua Chameleon, as both an emblem of the rich biological diversity of southern Africa and an intriguing creature in its own right, which deserves attention and protection. More studies are carried out and more conservation measures are put in place towards protecting this vibrant desert survivor so that future generations can enjoy it.

Their lifetime can be around 5-10 years, whereas the abandons in the wild might be less due to some environmental disturbance.

In copulation usually females lay eggs in burrows and the average is about 10-20 eggs.

These creatures prefer arid or semi-arid climates like savannas and scrublands with lots of climbing and hiding vegetation cover.

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