Jackson Chameleon Cage Setup. Setup of Jackson Chameleon Cage

Jackson Chameleon Cage Setup

Jackson Chameleons are very interesting reptiles known for their striking colors and unique behavior. Chameleons can be very interesting pets and the first thing to keep in mind is that they should have a very quiet and well-maintained environment that provides them with a natural environment, including adequate UVB lights. should be used and plenty of plants in it. They need to have a good house that helps them to be happy. You can get drinks and other things as per your wish.

What the Jackson Chameleon Cage Should Look Like:

The cage of Jackson Chameleon should look like a natural environment and use plants that help them hide and move around. The wall of his cage should be long rather than wide to help him climb up and mostly use artificial plants, thick branches and vines can also be used, and non-toxic plants can also be used. And you can also use paper towels to clean carpets and use wood to make natural rocks.

Jackson Chameleon Cage Setups.
proper setup of Jackson Chameleon Cage
Vertical space and plants for thriving chameleons

Understanding Cage Size Requirements for Jackson Chameleon:

First knowing the size of their living space is very important because we need to know what size cage for which chameleon and how many chameleons can fit in a cage because Jackson’s chameleons climb up. And they need a lot of space to move here. A chameleon should have a minimum cage size of 30-gallon tank because they are aquatic chameleons that prefer to climb up.

Jackson Chameleon.
Jackson Chameleon Care Guide
Unique horns and vibrant colors, a stunning reptile

Equipment for a Jackson Chameleon Cage Setup:

Dragon Strand Large Keeper Screen Cage:

A 48-inch screen cage is the ideal cage size for an adult chameleon and has plenty of room to optimize the environment. These cages are typically found in a variety of manufacturers as the screen side breeder series in this cage. I have a lot of chameleon cages but we will use the screen cage version because it is the most commonly used cage among chameleon keepers.

Large Keeper Drainage Tray:

This dragon tray, also known as a PVC tray, does a better job of collecting stagnant water at the bottom of the cage because drainage of their habitat is now an important part of a successful system and includes Building a sort of cage solves the drainage problem or you can make your own.

Dragon Ledges:

Dragon ledges are an innovative addition to their living space that beautifies their designed in-clear setups so that chameleons can easily climb up and mimic the natural environment these models are such They can be easily added to the cages and are very strong and durable to last for a long time. They are designed in such a way that nothing gets in the way while cleaning.

Mist System for Jackson chameleon cage setup:

The misting system helps to maintain humidity and hydration levels in their living space and includes nozzles strategically placed inside the inkwell to deliver mist coverage everywhere. They automatically operate at intervals as per the needs of the chameleons and the best advantage is that they provide a constant supply of water to maintain humidity and design them in their living space. It is very easy to do or set up, it gives a natural atmosphere to the grade.

Bulb Fixture:

In their habitat, T-5s are used, which provide a lot of light in a small package. The package also includes UVB daylight and plant light bulbs. Also provides UVB lights.

Heat lamps:

Heat lamps are used to raise the temperature in their living space, which is of a very high temperature, and maintain the temperature in their living space. Can be used to turn it on or off periodically to maintain the temperature.

Trees and Stone:

In their living space, use a place that can provide them with a natural environment such as we can also use plants and small stones or rocks for their hiding. Beautifies the living space and helps them thrive.

Ventilation: Why It needs:

Their habitat needs better ventilation to maintain humidity levels prevent bacteria, and ensure that their habitat is well-circulated. In addition, fans are added to the glass tier rim of their living space to keep them aerated.

Heating and Lighting:

Light and Heating are very important to the health and good being of these chameleons. They need to have a heating of 80 to 90F in their living space. 

In addition, UVB lights are used in their living space, which is very important for calcium absorption and their health. Mandatory 10-12 hours of light per day in their living space. UVB lighting also naturally mimics sunlight, which is essential for their optimal health and well-being.

Common Health Issues and Prevention of Jackson Chameleon:

Better housing can save them from many health problems like respiratory disease or bone disease, so make their living space very beautiful and elegant. Create a natural environment for them so that they do not get sick or feel lethargic.

Jackson chameleon cage setup Maintenance:

It is very important to take care of Jackson Chameleon living space because if it is not taken care of, the health of the chameleon can be greatly affected if the temperature is not maintained. which can cause them to have breathing problems. Take special care that they do not use any poisonous plants that can cause breathing problems and weaken them. Provide low dishwater that maintains humidity levels, clean thoroughly once or twice a week, and use lights regularly.

Enrichment with Plants and Branches:

it is very important to use plants and branches in the habitat of Jackson Chameleon, which helps them a lot in their appearance and also improves their mental and physical health. Use pothos and it is very important to provide them with hiding places and climbing structures, and also use shacks in their living space so that they can climb on them easily and that gives them protection. Avoid accidents and use wood that is non-toxic and insect-free.

Price and Cost of Cage of Jackson Chameleon:

It can cost anywhere from $400-$1,000 to build an inkwell because it involves a lot of things like a glass terrarium, UVB lighting, misting system, plants, branches, and food. Live insects are also being bought and sold for feeding. If you want your chameleons to be good housing is essential.


Making a good cage for your Jackson’s chameleon is a great endeavor as it improves their quality of life and keeps them healthy. A good maintained environment helps your chameleons feel healthy and happy. They are able to live their lives in a good way and besides they are given live insects to eat. There are glass terrariums, dragon trays, and many other things that are used and they can cost anywhere from $400 to $900 to build this setup.


It should have a minimum cage size of the 30-gallon tank because they are aquatic chameleons that prefer to climb up on the terrarium wall.

It is very important to use plants and branches in their habitat. Live plants like snake plants. Make sure they are non-toxic.

Yes, UVB lights are used in their living space, which is very important for calcium absorption and their health. Mandatory 10-12 hours of light per day in their living space. 

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