Carpet Chameleon Guide Care

Carpet Chameleon Care Guide

The carpet chameleon is a small lizard from Madagascar that can change its color and is famous for its bright patterns. It is very peaceful, but its females guard their eggs. At about two to three years old, carpet chameleons need good light, humidity, and an airy cage. They eat insects like crickets and need calcium supplements to stay healthy. Carpet chameleons are also easy to care for if you understand them or their needs. They can make a good pet.

Quick Facts about Carpet Chameleon:

  • Scientific Name:ٖٖ Furcifer lateralis  
  • Common Name: Carpet Chameleon
  • Family: Chamaeleonidae
  • Age: In captivity, they can live for two to three years, if well cared for they can live up to five years.
Carpet Chameleon Care Sheet of Carpet Chameleon
Colorful patterns, amazing adaptability shine

Physical Description of Carpet Chameleon:

The carpet chameleon is a small colorful lizard. Males are 7 to 8 inches in size. Meanwhile, females can be up to 10 inches. They have a flattened body and tail that helps them grasp branches. This cricket has two toes on the front and two on the back to help it climb up. Males are usually yellow. While women are mostly colored. Its body is covered with spots and stripes, especially when it lays eggs. It is like a helmet, it has a head, which also has a head and eyes.

Habitat and Range of Carpet Chameleon:

Carpet chameleons live on the island of Madagascar in Africa. They prefer to live in different types of environments. These chameleons live in warm places like forests, bushes, and grassy areas. Which has a lot of grass or vegetables etc. Their living space should be cleaned regularly. Their living space should be kept between 75 and 85 F during the day and their environment should be kept cool at night.

Behavior of Carpet Chameleon:

Carpet chameleons are mostly calm and shy. They like to live alone and can get into fights if kept with other geckos. Females can also fight to carry eggs. They move slowly and prefer to climb and hide. When they feel threatened, they also change their color, showing bright colors. They are mostly alert and spend most of their time searching for food or hiding under light.

Housing for Carpet Chameleon:


Carpet chameleons need good ventilation and long claws to live in a cage. The cage should have plenty of branches and plants to climb and hide in. They also need warm light and UVB light to keep them healthy. The temperature of their living space should be between seventy five to eighty five Fahrenheit and also make sure their living space is washed regularly daily.


A good substrate for carpet chameleons is one that has moist soil and maintains moisture because moist soil is easier to dig through. Sand should be kept away from loose substrates because chameleons can cause health problems if they eat them. Remember that whatever you use should be safe and comfortable for chameleons.


Humidity is very important for them to survive. When there is low or high of humidity level in the enclosure they face many problems. It is very important that maintain the humidity level normal according to them which is fifty to sixty percent.

Heating and Temperature:

Carpet chameleons need a warm place to stay healthy. Normal temperature is very important for them. When there is a low or high temperature they may suffer from various diseases.  So the normal temperature of the enclosure is seventy five to eighty five Fahrenheit A heat lamp should be used for temperature control. It is best to regularly check their enclosure temperature. A constant temperature will keep the chameleon healthy.

UVB Light:

UVB light is very important for pit chameleons because it helps give them vitamin D3, which gives them calcium. The cage should be exposed to diffused UVB light for about ten to twelve hours a day, and make sure that the UVB light can also get in. Bulbs should be replaced every six to twelve months because The light of the heat decreases after some time, and the light of the bulb or the heat decreases, so it is better to change the bulb after a few months. Good UV light plays an important role in keeping the chameleon healthy and strong.


 You can also make an artificial watering system to provide water to the leaves so that it can drink from there easily also take care that the moisture Should always be maintained as this moisture benefits them and makes them feel more comfortable.

Food and Diet of Carpet Chameleon:

They mostly like to eat insects so they are insectivorous.  You can also feed them different types of insects to improve their diet. They should be fed fresh food regularly to keep them healthy. Proper food and diet make them healthy and strong. Regularly feed them two to three times per day.

  • Cockroaches 
  • Silkworms
  • Crickets
Carpet Chameleon food.
Food of Carpet Chameleon f
Insects and fruit fuel vibrancy

Handling and Caring Tips of Carpet Chameleon:

  • Balance and proper food are essential for keeping them healthy.
  • Before handling them, special care should be taken not to stress them. And they should be managed for a very short time.
  • Special attention should be paid to their temperature and the temperature should be per their requirement in which they can live comfortably.
  • A good substrate will be provided for them in the enclosure in which the humidity level remains constant.

 Lifespan of Carpet Chameleon:

In Captivity:

Carpet chameleons need a good environment to stay healthy in captivity. Their living space should provide them with a long ventilated cage with plant branches to climb on. They should also be controlled for temperature, humidity and UVB light, their habitat should be washed regularly and they should also be fed a variety of insects. Carpet chameleons are very delicate to catch, so it is better to watch them rather than catch them. With good care, they can live for two to three years in captivity.

In Wild:

Carpet chameleons live on the African island of Madagascar. Where they are found mostly in scrub and grassy areas of the forest, they climb trees for protection from predators and to search for food. They eat insects that they hunt themselves They prefer to live in the forest with warm temperatures and high humidity which helps them stay healthy They blend in more with their surroundings and adapt to themselves They keep changing their colors to protect themselves. Their life span in the wild is about 1 to 2 years, this is shorter than their lifespan in captivity due to changing weather and diet.

Price and Cost of Carpet Chameleon:

The cost of a carpet chameleon can range from fifty dollars to one hundred fifty dollars, depending on the color. including plants, cages, and other supplies. It can also cost from two hundred dollars to three hundred dollars. The rest of it requires regular maintenance, which can also cost money.

 Carpet Chameleon as Pets:

Carpet chameleons are interesting animals because of their bright colors and good behavior. But they are not the easiest pets to care for. They need a well-built enclosure with good temperature, humidity, and light. They do not like to hold themselves, so it is the best pet for them. Those who talk and enjoy with their pets without holding them.


Carpet Chameleons are the most popular pet due to their calm behavior and look very attractive They need the right temperature, humidity, and food, and a long, well-drained wouldn’t like it’s too much heading. It is a very beautiful pet to look at, with good care and good behavior, and with all its needs it can become a good pet.


It is better to keep them alone because if kept together they can fight with each other especially males so it is better to keep them alone.

Green chameleons don’t like to not be handled again and again. If you have to carry it, carry it for a short time and only when needed.

They can live up to 2 to 3 years with most good care in captivity and one to two years in the wild.

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