Satanic Leaf-Tailed Gecko guide

Satanic Leaf-Tailed Gecko

Interact with the Great Leaf Gecko – a unique champion of the Uroplatus genus. These lizards glow because of their rare characteristics and are known to live in the canopies of high rainforests. Nocturnal hunters, their behavior, and amazing stealth are of particular attraction to reptile enthusiasts. This lizard is truly a wonder of nature.

Five Incredible Satanic Leaf-Tailed Gecko Facts:

Here are some interesting facts about these geckos

  • They have large eyes without eyelids. To keep their eyeballs moist, they lick them periodically.
  • If dirt gets on or in the eye of the gecko, the reptile removes it in the same way that they moisten the surface – with their tongue.
  • The size of this lizard can vary drastically, growing 4 to 12 inches at its adult length. The giant leaf-tailed gecko is already 2 inches long when it is initially born.
Satanic Leaf-Tailed Gecko. Nature’s perfect leaf-mimicking camouflage expert
Nature’s perfect leaf-mimicking camouflage expert

Spectrum and Structure of Satanic Leaf-Tailed Gecko:

The leaf-tailed gecko is that they have long bodies that can grow 4 to 12 inches in size. The size of giant leaf-tailed geckos is usually 2.5 inches long as babies, growing to be 10-12 inches long as adults with larger eyes than other variations.

The eyes of these lizards are big and marbled, but the red center of the eye stands out significantly against their body which typically features green, tan, brown, and gray. The natural colors allow them to easily camouflage within their surroundings – especially because their texture is rough like the leaves and branches of the trees. The mossy leaf-tailed geckos can even camouflage with the moss on trees.

Food and Diet of Satanic Leaf-Tailed Gecko:

The leaf-tailed gecko likes a steady diet of insects, including flies and spiders. They’ll also eat invertebrates that are much smaller than them, like snails or worms. However, these animals are not picky, and they will ultimately eat anything that they can overpower.

Behavior of Satanic Leaf-Tailed Gecko :

These lizards are dark-loving, which means they are active at night and rest during the day. On most days, Most of the times we can spot these lizards basking in sunlight till they get active to hunt for their prey. Reptiles that resemble bamboo will extend, for they sleep in the nighttime, and also those animals that look like a leaf may roll over themselves to remain hidden from predators.

Habitat of Satanic Leaf-Tailed Gecko:

These geckos usually prefer to live in humid forests, especially in lowland areas. However, they can live up to an altitude of 2,625 feet. During the day, they rest on the branches and leaves of trees, which makes their bodies easy to hide and they don’t have to worry about a predator finding them. A common habitat of this lizard is Nosy Mangabe Island.

Leaf-Tailed Geckos Special as Pets:

Geckos appeal to those who like reptiles because of their rare attributes and charm. They bring a different kind of joy than common reptile pets do. However, they need special care to thrive.

Designing a Dream Home for Satanic Leaf-Tailed Gecko:

Enclosure Size

A single lizard can live in a 12” x 12” x 18” enclosure, but the more space you give them, the more they will discover. Space is especially important if you are maintaining a pair or three lizards together. A 33-gallon vertical enclosure that is about 18” x 18” x 24” or larger is ideal.

It is certainly fine to use a larger enclosure, but you should make sure that any enclosure has more vertical space than horizontal space.

As for the type of confinement, there are several acceptable options. You can use a glass tank, mesh enclosure, or even a plastic basket. We love glass enclosures because they allow you to easily see your devil leaf lizard.


The devil leaf-tailed lizard thrives best in an environment with a certain period of humidity: 40-50% during the day and 80-100% at night. To achieve this, it is important to spray the area well in the evening and early morning. Using timed spray systems can make this process even easier and help keep humidity levels constant.


The black rock lizard is a little different from reptiles kept at home due to preferring cooler temperatures. In order to provide the best habitat for their health, you must do all in your power as possible: also keep temperatures around 76°-85°F (fluctuating from a high of 86°F and low overnight at ~60-65 Foffsets & farm accounts accepted readily. Putting a thermometer in your tank will aid you monitor whether the temperature of the storage tank is always precise.


We suggested using an intense light or ceramic heater to keep the surrounding temperature. However, you should run your lights on a 12-hour on and 12-hour off schedule.

Common Health Problems of  Satanic Leaf-Tailed Gecko:

As a dependable pet owner, it is important that the health and well-being of your devil leaf-tailed lizard is always your first priority. Here are some health issues to be aware of:


If the environment is too wet or too dry, it can lead to shedding problems or mold and mildew accumulation problems.


This can be a real problem for monstrous leaf-tailed lizards. Excessive handling, inappropriate environments, or spraying with cold water can lead to dangerous strains.

Dealing the Satanic Leaf-Tailed Gecko:


Only touch your gecko when essential, such as to clean their environment or for a health check. For them, being more visual and learning from visualization is better.

Calming environment:

Ensure the room is quiet, and no sudden distractions are taking place to pull their attention elsewhere.

Sneak up:

Come into (a situation) from Leave your hand near the jacko and have patience, let them approach you.

A care sheet of Satanic Leaf-Tailed Gecko
Camouflaged perfection in Madagascar’s wilds

Breeding of Satanic Leaf-Tailed Gecko:

These geckos are egg-laying amphibians, they normally lay two white eggs on the ground under a leaf in shade. After 60-70 days, these eggs hatch, and the fairly well-developed Hatchlings have a fully functional body, so they will not be cared for by their parents. In captivity, the normal satanic leaf-tailed gecko lifespan is around ten years (in some cases somewhat more). This is assuming that it lives in a live trap, and eats high fives of road nutrients. If you fail to do this well, your axolotls will only live for a few months.

Lifespan of Satanic Leaf-Tailed Gecko:

In captivity, the normal satanic leaf-tailed gecko lifespan is around ten years (in some cases somewhat more). This is assuming that it lives in a live trap, and eats high fives of road nutrients. If you fail to do this well, your axolotls will only live for a few months.

Price And Cost of Leaf-Tailed Gecko:

  • – Captive-bred Satanic Leaf-tailed Gecko: $300-$500
  • – Male Satanic Leaf-tailed Gecko: $799.99
  • – Female Satanic Leaf-tailed Gecko: $999.99


Satanic leaf-tailed gecko care is not for beginners. Due to their unique conditions and nervous temperament, we highly recommend that you acquire some experience before owning one.

But trust us, owning one is definitely worth the effort. These incredibly unique reptiles are a joy to observe. It never gets old!

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