Moorish Gecko

Moorish Gecko Care and Feeding Guide

Moorish Geckos are fascinating reptiles known for their adaptability and unique characteristics. They measure approximately four to six inches in size. Moorish Geckos are found in northern Africa and southern Europe and often live in rocky habitats, Generally, live insects such as crickets and fruit flies are used in their diet.

Moorish Gecko Guide.
Moorish Gecko
Colorful lizards thrive in diverse habitats.

Physical Characteristics of Moorish Geckos:

  • size: They usually grow to about four to six inches in length.
  • Skin Texture: Their skin is rough and granular, which gives them a distinctive texture that allows them to blend into rocks and textures.
  • Coloration: They can be a variety of colors, often have a dark winter-tawny color, and sometimes appear with light spots or patterns.
  • Eyes: They have large eyes which help them to be seen at night.

Behavior of Moorish Geckos:

They live their lives in a very interesting way. They usually come out at night and look for their prey. During the day, they stay in their shelters and rocks to maintain their temperature and avoid predators. They like to live alone. They communicate with each other through their body language and drop their tails if they feel threatened. They are kept in closed rooms to understand their behavior.

Habitat and Range:

Moorish Keys are usually found in rocky dry environments. They prefer places with lots of crevices in rocks and vegetation to prevent them from being hunted. They thrive in warm climates and natural temperatures. Prefers temperatures between about 70 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit with a reduction. They are introduced to parts of southern Europe, including northern Africa, Spain, and Portugal.


Breeding usually occurs in the winter as temperatures drop when the female begins to lay eggs. If heat is applied, the babies hatch after 60 or 75 days. Feed both male and female moorish geckos well before mating, including calcium supplements and worms. Their yawning can last for several hours. If this is done, the female will start laying eggs.

Housing requirements of Moorish geckos:


Moorish Geckos  Enclosure is very important for their health and well-being. The tank should be 20 gallons for one or two Geckos. You can also use a mixture of coconut fiber and sand. Use the rocks in it to give them a place to hide with a shallow dish of water and use a lid to prevent them from escaping. Health remains excellent.

Heating :

It is very important for maintaining their environment and for their health. The normal temp is Eighty to Ninety Fahrenheit and Sixty-Five to Seventy-Five Fahrenheit at night. Use the Heat mat to maintain the temperature in it. The Heat mat provides constant heat and is thermostatically controlled to prevent overheating.

UVB Lighting:

It is important to use lighting in their habitat that provides adequate light for their health and well-being, and we also use lighting that helps the bones calcium and prevent metabolic bone disease. We use a compact UVB lamp. Place the UVB light about 12 to 18 inches from the go.


  • Recommended Substrate: Coconut fiber retains moisture and is easy to clean. Using sand and clay in their habitat can make their habitat feel like a natural habitat without any chemicals, and using a clean, well-humidified habitat can also be a good option. Cypress Mulch provides a good moisture and natural look.
  • Substrates to Avoid: Their habitat can be affected if calcium sand is used, which does not retain moisture. The space can cause them to suffocate and injure them.


Maintaining humidity is very important for their health and also improves their environment considerably. The level should be around 40-60 percent.  Lightly mist the enclosure once or twice a week to maintain moisture. Remember not to wet the substrate A shallow dish also helps to maintain moisture.

Food and Diet of Moorish Geckos:

Moorish Geckos eat a variety of insects. Their diet is supplemented with calcium and vitamins to improve their health, while young geckos may need to be fed daily. While adults can be fed every day or two, some prefer to feed them in separate containers.

Food of Moorish Gecko.
Moorish Gecko
Feed Moorish geckos a balanced diet

Some common food items that Moorish geckos Eat:

  • Crickets
  • Mealworms
  • Waxworms
  • Fruit flies
  • Superworms
  • Roaches

Common Health Problems:

Moorish Geckos can face many problems in terms of quality if humidity levels are not maintained, their skin can get infections, dehydration or a hot environment can also affect their health.

Lifespan Of Moorish Geckos:

 In Captivity:

Keeping Moorish Geckos healthy in captivity, they can live for about 10 to 15 years and their habitat should have a humidity level of around 40 to 50 percent and live vegetation in the area where they live. should be used, which is beneficial for them. Humidity changes with the weather, so ventilation is also necessary if you are to keep their care and diet optimal.

In the wild:

Here they have a short life span because they are afraid of predators and the environment is very polluted due to which they can live less than 5 to 10 years.

Moorish Geckos as a pets:

They can make very good pets if they are well cared for. They also have many advantages as they are relatively easy to care for compared to other colored animals. They have few requirements such as moist food and adequate shelter. Their distinct colors are quite striking and their demeanor is gentle and soothing.

Handling and care tips for Moorish geckos:

To handle and care for Moorish Geckos, and ensure his health and well-being. Be gentle with your pooch to avoid spooking them Sudden movements can cause them to panic Use both hands when handling them One hand can gently lift them up from the bottom by holding their tail Avoid because their tails can break when caught Handle them in a safe place where they can’t fall Provide them with things to feel safe using caves, plants or rocks 30 to 50 percent humidity around them Keep them fed insect repellent and flush with a calcium vitamin supplement.

Price and Cost of Moorish Geckos:

  • Baby: Their cost ranges from $20 to $50.
  • Young: Usually cost between $30 to $70.
  • Adult: Generally priced from $50 to $100 or more, depending on size, and coloration.


It is very interesting reptiles that are known for their distinctive features: they are about four to six inches in size and have rough skin, changing colors, and large eyes. They live their lives in a very interesting way, if they feel threatened by something, they die. Their breeding takes place in winter, the female lays eggs and hatches in 60 to 70 days.

Also, they need to have a good place to live, in which humidity should be taken care of, UVB lights should be used and kaline and chemicals should be used in their diet, calcium vitamins, and different kinds of waxes. Insect infestations include fruit flies, crickets, and many other insects.

Moorish Geckos use a variety of insects in their diet such as roaches, flies, and soft fruit in captivity, and can benefit from a variety of foods.

These Geckos are not poisonous but like other lizards, they can bite if they feel threatened but their bite is not that dangerous and it can cause minor irritation.

Providing proper housing and good food in their care can improve their health. In their diet, crickets can consume mealworms and soft fruits, which are healthy and environmentally friendly.

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